Manaslu region in north Gorkha District, has a fragile natural and cultural environment

Manaslu, a mountainous region in north Gorkha District, has a fragile natural and cultural environment. In order to conserve the unique environment and extremely rich biodiversity, a protected area status "conservation area" was given to the Manaslu region.

The area was neglected in terms of infrastructure development, which has directly affected the livelihood of the people. The local people have been deprived of the benefits of proper bridges and trails. Most of the 56 villages do not have safe drinking water supply or electricity. Education and health services are almost non-existent. Since no other economic opportunities are available, they have to depend on marginal agriculture, animal husbandry and exploitation of natural resources for survival. As agriculture cannot sustain their livelihood, a high dependency on natural resources is constantly straining the capacity of the ecosystem. 

Tourism, due to the restricted area status of the six VDCs adjoining the Tibet Autonomous region of China, is limited to 1,000 trekkers per year, but, due to the difficulty of the terrain and the need to go in organized groups, only about 60 percent of the quota is subscribed. The local people do not enjoy the benefits from even these low numbers, as the groups are self-sufficient in their requirements before they start the journey from Gorkha.

The Manaslu Conservation Area has a lot to offer to the trekkers. From the beautiful scenery of the majestic Himalayan ranges and high altitude glacier lakes to rich biological and cultural resources. The culture is equally attractive and most follow the Buddhist religion. The region possesses a rich cultural heritage with several large Buddhist monasteries like Shringi Gompa in Bihi, Mu and Rachen Gompas in Chhekampar. Local examples of the harmony between religion and environment conservation can be seen throughout the region, as lamas from monasteries have prohibited the locals to hunt wildlife. This has helped the wildlife to prosper and is a prime habitat for the elusive snow leopard, gray wolf, musk deer, blue sheep and the Himalayan Thar.

The Trust is implementing various field programmes in the region to motivate and mobilize the local people to take a lead in managing their own resources. The local Conservation Area Management Committees are entrusted with the responsibility of managing the natural resources of their region to get benefit from the utilization and to that the utilization is done in a sustainable manner.

The research aims to keep data on the biodiversity and the socio-economic conditions in the region. Therefore, documentation process is on going in order to record the change in the physical, as well as, on the general attitude of the local people.

The main backbone of all the programme is Conservation Education. Extension Programme (CEEP). This programme is to motivate the local people that they are an integral part of the undertaking. Without their active participation and support, no programme, however novel or well designed is going to achieve the success that they desire.


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