
Showing posts from January 9, 2011

Nepal listed among top tourist destinations

Nepal has been listed among top countries, according to a new Lonely Planet travel guide for the top places to go to in 2010. Lonely Planet's "Best in Travel 2010" released on 02 November, Monday lists Nepal along with El Salvador, Greece, Germany, Malaysia, Morocco, New Zealand, Portugal, Suriname and the United States as the best places to go and best things to do in the year ahead. "This is a collection of destinations and experiences that we rate as the stuff people really should consider for next year. Whatever your own style dictates, you should be able to find inspiration in these destinations," Reuters reported Asia-Pacific communications manager Adam Bennett as saying. Source:ekantipur

Beautiful Pas Gaun

Pas gaun, the hilly village of Lamjung district magnetizes the outsiders with its beauty and hospitality of Gurung community. Small houses with stone roof and stone paved clean path makes it divine gift to the people. Tourists are pretty enjoying the nature and its beauty though there are lack of modern services and facilities due to geographical intricacy. Anyone can melt down by the warm welcome and hospitality given by gurung to the guest at Pas gaun. Pas gaun is located at one thousand six hundred and fifty meters high from sea level where 400 houses of Gurung are there. Pas gaun is reached through rural tourism village Baglungpani,Ghalegaun, Bhujung from the headquarter of Lamjung district, Besi Sahar after the 8 hours long trek. Day by day internal as well as external tourists are increasing in Pas gaun according to local social worker Balram Gurung. Comparing to other places the gurung traditional culture is still alive at Pas gaun with their uniqueness and full of entertainmen

NTY 2011: Sign of what tourists can expect ?

Despite a lot of preparations for bringing in a million tourists during the Nepal Tourism Year-2011, tourism authorities and other stakeholders here seem to have missed a chance to make a lasting impression on foreign tourists. A dilapidated signboard of the Tourist Information Office in Belahiya in the district is a case in point. “I feel sorry looking at the pitiable condition of the board,” said an Indian national from Rajasthan, Raj Kishor Singh. Singh had some suggestions to all concerned, and this included maintenance of the signboard without delay and cleanup of the area. The board has become an eyesore for other foreign guests as well. Though the government and the local Chambers of Commerce and Industry have pledged to construct a gate on the Belahiya border, the authorities have not bothered to repair the board and keep the area clean. Ramesh Thapa, Chairman of the Samudaik Sewa Samaj, Belahiya, expressed dissatisfaction over the authorities’ indifference. “The authoriti