Beautiful Pas Gaun

Pas gaun, the hilly village of Lamjung district magnetizes the outsiders with its beauty and hospitality of Gurung community. Small houses with stone roof and stone paved clean path makes it divine gift to the people.
Tourists are pretty enjoying the nature and its beauty though there are lack of modern services and facilities due to geographical intricacy. Anyone can melt down by the warm welcome and hospitality given by gurung to the guest at Pas gaun.
Pas gaun is located at one thousand six hundred and fifty meters high from sea level where 400 houses of Gurung are there. Pas gaun is reached through rural tourism village Baglungpani,Ghalegaun, Bhujung from the headquarter of Lamjung district, Besi Sahar after the 8 hours long trek. Day by day internal as well as external tourists are increasing in Pas gaun according to local social worker Balram Gurung.
Comparing to other places the gurung traditional culture is still alive at Pas gaun with their uniqueness and full of entertainment. The different dances with unique dresses and folk song attract anybody over there. At Pas gaun traditional handicraft is still in practice and people use to produce different artistic bags, woolen sweater, carpets and many more. The bamboo products are also famous there.
Each and every home uses well-equipped modern toilet whereas for electrical power solar power system is connected. In each home special guest room is separated for guest at Pas gaun.
After tourism ministry opened dual trekking root to reach Pas gaun people of this village are excited to bring tourist here. Different festivals are organized to renowned Pas gaun internally and internationally. According to locals almost all young bloods of this village are moving to foreign lands, if tourism activities can be increased they need not have to go abroad for job and money.


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